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Demonstration protocol

23 Sep 2020 1:08 PM | Alex James (Administrator)

The purpose of the Grassing the Bare Patches project is to trial different methodologies for establishing ground cover on persistent bare patches in paddocks in a small farm setting. The three farmers involved in the trials, Allan, Jennie and Harji met with the committee, Dr Jason Condon from the Graham Institute of Agriculture and Helen Smith from South East Local Land Services to develop a protocol for the project. Read the protocol.

Following several years of drought, it turns out that the demonstration will happen in a year with above average rainfall.

Here are the three demonstration sites. They are located in Bywong and Sutton NSW.

Farm 1 project site is located near the top of a north facing slope in Bywong that has not managed to recover its groundcover in over 20 years

Farm 2 project site in Sutton is on a flat site that was cultivated for cropping

Farm 3 project site in Bywong is located near the bottom of a west facing slope that can get waterlogged


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